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Affairs of the (fetal) heart; ISUOG go hybrid in Dublin

hybrid conference organisers


We have been delighted to support The International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)  with their virtual and hybrid events since 2010.

ISUOG is a professional membership association and charity that aims to improve women’s health through the provision, advancement and dissemination of the highest quality education, standards and research information around ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.  They organise many educational events throughout the year that are consistently well supported by large audiences of  globally distributed and eager learners. In recent years, hybrid events have almost exclusively been run from ISUOG’s headquarter building in London. But,  on this occasion, it was decided to venture to Dublin for the ISUOG Fetal Cardiology Conference.

The program for the conference was meticulously curated by Professor Simon Meagher. Simon is one of the most prominent consultant sonologists in the world and a renowned lecturer, having delivered many hundreds of lectures in-person in 17 different countries and a similar number online.  A Dubliner by birth, though for many years an Australian resident, Simon was delighted for the opportunity to return home to share his knowledge. The in-person and live-streamed conference featured two days of interactive learning and lectures from a variety of expert speakers from across the globe.

hybrid conference organisation

World experts engage a global audience

As a vital component of ISUOG’s continuing education program, this event delivered world-class knowledge and expertise to the global ultrasound community.

Focused on the latest advancements in diagnosing and managing fetal cardiac anomalies, six esteemed international experts – from Australia, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the UK – provided in-depth lectures, facilitated dynamic discussions with both in-person and online audiences, and conducted practical demonstrations, all over two days of immersive learning.

hybrid conference production

Integrating In-Person and Virtual Engagement

The Alex Hotel in Dublin City Centre served as the venue, where we provided comprehensive AV support for presentations, discussions, and live ultrasound scan demonstrations. Remote delegates participated through our custom-designed interface, featuring a lobby and separate viewing pages for each conference day. They were actively engaged via Slido, integrated directly into the viewing page, allowing them to participate in polls and ask questions from a panel immediately adjacent to the video stream. In-person delegates also engaged via Slido or by asking questions on the mic.

The live ultrasound scans—always a highlight for attendees—were set up in a partitioned area at the back of the room to ensure patient privacy. The scans were projected onto large screens in the room and streamed live to the online audience.

Outcomes and achievements

A diverse audience joined the event;

  • 45 delegates attended in person
  • 723 participants online
  • 94 countries represented.

ISUOG received very positive feedback from both in-the-room and remote participants and are now planning their next hybrid events.

ISUOG’s Senior Education Courses Coordinator, Amrita Chahal was very happy with the outcome;

“In this day and age, this learning is so important. It’s vital that we can reach everyone. I’m so excited we’ve been able to reach such a broad audience.
I think this is the highest course (attendance) we’ve ever had!”

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