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Creating successful hybrid events

Creating successful hybrid events


To create successful and profitable hybrid events, association event organizers must adapt to the rapidly evolving online event landscape. However, many perceive embarking on a hybrid adventure as a significant challenge. We have observed this through our long term arrangement with the Association of Association Executives, for whom we record conference sessions at the Associations Congress series of events. So, we get to hear at first-hand what is keeping association executives up at night.

This weekend, the BeThere Global team will attend the latest event in the series, Associations World Congress 2023, in Florence.

Value of Interaction:

To meet post-pandemic expectations, associations need innovative ways to engage and provide value to members in both face-to-face and online settings. They must navigate the complexities of integrating online platforms, technology infrastructure, and virtual networking opportunities while ensuring a seamless and interactive experience for all participants, whether in-person or remote.

Profitable and Accessible:

Moreover, maintaining member engagement, sponsorship opportunities, and revenue generation outside of traditional in-person event structures poses a significant challenge. Creating successful hybrid events requires strategic and creative planning, technological expertise, and a deep understanding of member needs.

Here are three fundamental building blocks for successful hybrid events:

  1. Embrace Technology and Engagement Tools:
    Leverage technology to foster a seamless and interactive experience for both in-person and virtual attendees. Utilize robust event management platforms, hybrid event solutions, and engagement tools such as live chat, Q&A sessions, polls, and networking features. Enhance engagement further with gamification elements.
  2. Prioritize Content Delivery and Accessibility:
    Ensure accessibility of hybrid event content for both in-person and virtual attendees. Offer high-quality live streaming and on-demand options for virtual participants to access sessions, presentations, and workshops. Optimize the user experience by providing multiple viewing options, including mobile-friendly platforms.
  3. Facilitate Networking and Connection Opportunities:
    Networking remains crucial in hybrid events. Create virtual networking spaces and opportunities for attendees, regardless of their attendance format. Consider virtual breakout rooms, online discussion forums, and one-on-one meeting scheduling tools to facilitate meaningful interactions. Encourage engagement through gamified challenges, virtual coffee breaks, and dedicated networking sessions.


Successful hybrid events require careful planning, effective communication, and continuous adaptation based on attendee feedback. Strive to improve the hybrid event experience by understanding audience needs and preferences. By implementing these principles, association event organizers can unlock success, achieving both affordability and value for attendees, and profitability for the organizing body.

We can help your association succeed with online events.

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